Company Overview
The history of Renner Zrt. goes back to the mid-1980s, but its current corporate form was won in 1991 when Tibor Renner and his wife signed the founding document with the aim of selling rubber and rubber metal products to Europe’s markets.
Company established
More about us
The value system has only developed and added over the years. We put great emphasis on human values and relationships, giving space to innovation and creativity, attaching great importance to business relationships that are beneficial to both parties. We take the responsibility, thorough knowledge of industrial culture and technology, showing our example to our partners, colleagues and descendants. We put special emphasis on the quality of manufactured products and the quality of our services. Our basic endeavors are to stand out from competing with competitive prices, accurate delivery. We believe that investing in work, material and intellectual capital, the ambition of protecting the environment, preserving the physics and mental health of our employees ensures long-term sustainability of our business. The most important strategic element of our business policy is the in-house production of the finished product components from screw manufacturing, through tool manufacturing to finished product production to the decrease the supplier network to the minimum to maintain the flexibility.
ISO 9001
First injection molding machine
Start of Kiserdő settlement
ERP system introduction
ISO 14001
Automotive certification
New vulcanization plant
From Renner Bt to Renner Zrt.
Latest Catalogue
If you would like to order products that have parameters different from the ones included in the catalogue, please give us your contact information, and the description of the equipment parts you have selected with the blueprints, if available.
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